6850 NE Mineral Springs Rd
Carlton, OR 97111
Join us on Saturday, August 25th for a time-honored Anne Amie tradition, our annual Summer Winemaker’s Dinner. This year we’re doing things a little differently and setting up the table in our backyard vineyard. It’s going to be a spectacular setting, and we cannot wait!
As is tradition, the meal will be seafood focused. This year we’re excited to partner with our friends at Ember & Vine who will be preparing a traditional Oregon salmon bake!
Heirloom Tomato Salad with Smoked Fresh Mozzarella, Corsican Basil, Olive Oil, 10 Year Balsamic and Jacobsen Sea Salt
“Circle Star Ranch” Guanciale Wrapped Shrimp with Tarragon Yogurt and Shaved Smoked Almonds
Apple Wood Wild Salmon Salt Bake and Sparkling Wine Butter Sauce with Smoked New Potato Salad
Butterscotch Pot de Crème with Smoked Crème Fraiche and Golden Raspberries
We’re excited to welcome two friends of Anne Amie as featured wineries this year. The proprietors of both Leah Jorgensen Cellars and Nemarniki Vineyard are veterans of the 2009 harvest here at Anne Amie Vineyards and we’re looking forward to including some of their delicious wines at the table.
Look for an annoucement regarding guest wineries soon!
The event will likely sell out, so we encourage you to purchase your tickets early. After we’ve received your reservation, we’ll be in touch regarding dietary restrictions.
Question? contactus@anneamie.com